Tim & Molly Olsen (Epiphany) discuss what it means to have a genuine childlike love for the father. Originally presented on Nov 14 2020 as part of Schoenstatt’s DOME series (reflections on Fr Kentenich’s Monday evening talks for couples).
Do you believe in love?
2019 October Convention
Every year around this time (the anniversary of Schoenstatt’s founding), the leaders of Schoenstatt gather in national conferences to reflect on the state of the movement and discuss how it can best serve the church in the coming year. We’ve been honored to attend the US leadership conference for 4 of the last 6 years, including the 2019 gathering which ended today. Schoenstatt is primarily a small group movement (couples, mothers, men, youth) and is mainly organized at a diocesan level. So, opportunities to meet with leaders from other regions of the country is a special opportunity to get a sense for the needs of the church outside our neighborhood and brainstorm on ideas to better serve our communities.
The primary focus of the conference is to come up with a motto for the year. That motto is then given to the groups around the United States to bring some unity to the often-disparate groups spread from Oregon to Florida and from New York to Nebraska. One aspect that stood out to me this year was a quote from Fr Kentenich, something to the effect of, “what Mary was to Christ, Schoenstatt is to the church”. So, how can we serve the church in this moment? We talked a lot about the need for forgiveness and unity in the midst of divisions (inside and outside the church), the need to passionately express our faith and various other topics brought up by the voice of our time. Our goal in Schoenstatt is to always have “our finger on the pulse of the times, and our ear to the heart of God”.
The motto discerned by the movement for this year is: United in Mary- On fire we go forward!
At first, we saw this statement as having two focuses; building unity and passionately going forward. The focus on unity was a major one for us. In this time of conflict and disunity within the church, our mother moves us to mercy. Mary’s role always reminds me of the unity cross, where Mary gets as close as possible to Christ on the cross. That is especially true in our season. As scandal, criticism and complacently attempt to tear the Church apart, our Mother would get as close as possible to the Body of Christ, to bring comfort and care. To love him. And that is where our mission starts. We need to be the peace makers and voice of forgiveness and mercy that brings our church together. And from there, we must passionately go forward. In the spiritual life, we are either going forward or falling backward. There’s no such thing as standing still. Its like swimming in the ocean and not realizing that the tide is gradually moving you down the beach. So it is in our faith. We are either swimming against the tide, or we are getting swept down the beach without even noticing. And so, we must passionately press against the current and look for the open doors to bear Christ to the world.
This year’s motto matches well to the overall mission of Schoenstatt, particularly when viewed through the three graces of Schoenstatt; the grace of a home, the grace of inner transformation, and the grace of apostolic zeal. Unity in Mary matches well to feeling at home. And this is the root of everything in Schoenstatt. If we don’t feel at home, then we won’t be open to transformation. And if we aren’t transformed, we won’t be moved to go forth with apostolic zeal. So, it is on us to promote unity this year, in our families, in our groups and beyond. Lets help each other and our community to find peace, compassion, forgiveness, and a home wherever we are. From there, we must be lit afire by the holy spirit. Our Blessed Mother stands eager to pour transformative grace upon us. Are we open to it? Do we long for it? We must passionately implore the grace of God, if we are going to be the husbands, wives and children of God which our generation needs. And lit afire, we must go forward with apostolic zeal. Let everyone who doubts the greatness of God’s love for them, find it in our words and in our deeds. Lets once again recommit ourselves as instruments in our Mother’s hand, gradually dying to ourselves more deeply to make more room for his grace, that others may come to know Him through us.
Long Homeshrine Dedication
Congratulations to the Long family on their Schoenstatt Homeshrine Dedication on September 22 2019. Their shrine is named ‘Keys to the Kingdom’ and was dedicated by Fr Pushpa, a Schoenstatt Father visiting from Wisconsin.
United in the Covenant, we look forward with hope to the graces which will flow from the shrine into your family and beyond. Our Blessed Mother is going to love living there.

Head Homeshrine Dedication
Congratulations to the Head family on their Schoenstatt Homeshrine Dedication on September 21 2019. Their shrine is named ‘United in Love’ and was dedicated by Fr Pushpa, a Schoenstatt Father visiting from Wisconsin.
United in the Covenant, we look forward with hope to the graces which will flow from the shrine into your family and beyond. Our Blessed Mother is going to love living there.

December Father & Son Retreat (Dec 13-15)
Boys (10 and up) and their dads are invited to the annual Schoenstatt Father & Son Retreat in Waukesha Wisconsin the weekend of December 13-15. This retreat has been attended by many Bloomington-Normal families over the years and is an annual favorite. The retreat typically includes capture the flag after dark (in the shadow of the Schoenstatt shrine), flag football, kick ball, card games all interspersed with talks on heroic virtue and celebrations of the sacraments (daily mass and confession). The retreat is held at the Schoenstatt International Retreat Center and food and lodging prepared by the Schoenstatt sisters. Every guy whose gone on this retreat has raved about it as an awesome weekend of father/son fun. Multiple families from the community will go this year. Will you join us. Contact the sisters to book a room ( phone: 262-522-4300 ) or talk to Tim Olsen for details.

New Couples Groups Forming (Summer/Fall 2019)
Do you ever feel like you are on your own, trying to raise a family in a hostile world? Do you struggle to connect your faith into your daily life? Do you want to be part of a community where you are inspired to be who God created you to be, but loved in spite of your failings? Do you want a community of friends who become more like family and are there to support you when you need them? These are some of the goals of our Schoenstatt Family Groups. Roughly one year ago, we formed 2 Schoenstatt Family Groups (16 families total). Would you like to be in one too?
We are looking for families who may want to join additional groups.
- Topics covered
- Marriage enrichment and family growth (financial management, communication etc)
- Personal and family sanctification
- Devotion to Mary
- Schoenstatt spirituality (Childlikeness, Everyday Sanctity, Trust in Divine Providence)
- Some limited reading is expected
- 80% forming our own families, 20% working in the community to serve marriage and family
- Meetings
- Meet once a month (date can fluctuate to accommodate schedules)
- Couple’s meet while kids meet (or play)
- Potluck meal for the group (1 part meeting, 2 parts fellowship, mix and serve)
- Food allergies are welcomed and managed by the group.
- Additional activities
- Apostolic efforts to encourage marriage and family focus with God at the center (‘domestic church’ building)
- Social get togethers (bowling, movies, picnics)
- Spiritual gatherings (retreats, talks, praise nights)
- Membership in Schoenstatt is not required
- Groups will typically go through the Schoenstatt preparation materials (Covenant of Love with Mary and Homeshrine preparation), however actually joining after preparation is not required and is your own discernment
- Some people participate in Schoenstatt activities for decades without joining
- A successful group:
- Is long lasting (many groups last decades rather then years)
- Is an extended family that you can rely on
- Encourages you to become who God called you to be
- Draws you closer to our Heavenly Father, through a relationship with our Blessed Mother
- Is something you (and your kids) look forward to
- Open to any couples (young or old, 0 to 20 kids)
- Something that allows you and your spouse to grow in your faith together
Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNhVKEruZsgf-8eoAqxfED3y-a4nnFkjc3vmx1raG5PbJUlw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Swantek Homeshrine Dedication
Congratulations to the Swantek family on their Schoenstatt Homeshrine Dedication on August 14 2019. Their shrine is named ‘Fountain of Love’. United in the Covenant, we look forward with hope to the graces which will flow from the shrine into your family and beyond. Our Blessed Mother is going to love living there.

Thoele Homeshrine Dedication
Congratulations to the Thoele family on their Schoenstatt Homeshrine Dedication on June 21 2019. Their shrine is named ‘the Shrine of the Visitation’. United in the Covenant, we look forward with hope to the graces which will flow from the shrine into your family and beyond. Our Blessed Mother is going to love living there.

June 22: Women’s Morning Retreat @ Epiphany
Epiphany parish (Normal IL) is hosting a Women’s Morning Retreat on Saturday June 22 staring with 7:30am mass. The retreat will focus on the book ‘Finding My Inner Balance’ and be led by Sr Deanne Niehaus of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary.

Contact Molly Olsen at molly@schoenstattcentralil.org for details.